Monday, August 29, 2011

UghRochester: TV-B-Gone mission

Assassins in video games I feel are the best assassins in the world. They have unique senses that allow the player to know if they’re being detected and they have terrific abilities to make them undetected. Of course, it’s the player who controls the character’s movements and powers. Today, I’m going to share with you in this entry a story of a mission I proposed myself. This isn’t just any mission, this is my mission.

Today at Wal-Mart, I was walking throughout the store hoping I would turn the TVs off. I would turn these TVs off by using a device known as, “The TV-B-Gone” This was my mission to create a prank and film it. Showing the film to my friends and laughing was nothing, but pure comedy. Unfortunately for me, I was being followed, and being kept an eye on from various employees. Being detected was not an option for me. However, I was detected and had to abort my mission. Now I must learn from my mistakes and redeem myself.

My mistakes caused me to abort my mission. Learning from your mistakes is always a huge part in success. If you were working on something and have failed, learn what your mistakes were and try again. Failing is just another way of way of saying, “You lose! Continue?” Anyhow, my first mistake was not knowing. The G.I. Joes’ says, “Knowing is only half the battle.” This is true! Knowing your surroundings and enemies gives you advantages in the battlefield. Once again, my mistake was not knowing. I had no organization whatsoever. I had only Just an idea of taking a camera inside using my TV-B-Gone.

The second mistake I made was my items being used. I have this Flip camera that is sort of bulky and very noticeable. Standing still holding the camera instantly gave it away. As I mentioned before, I was using the TV-B-Gone. The TV-B-Gone is a small universal remote that is capable of turning just about any TV sets off. This device was great for my stealth mission, but the timing for the device would interfere.

Lastly, the biggest mistake was me. Not me in general, but my size structure. If you saw me from time to time, you would see I’m clearly above average (giggity) in both weight and height. I’m a pretty huge guy. Doing something suspicious can make me detectable quite easily.

Looking at all my mistakes, I came up with a guide that might help me out. If you’re a prankster looking to do something quite similar, maybe my guide might help you out as well.

First problem that needs to be resolved is my Flip camera. As I stated before, it’s bulky and very noticeable. My solution for this is to get some clothes in the clothing aisle and hide the camera between the clothes. If I was a woman, I would just hide the camera in my purse. The last problem to be resolved was me. Like I mentioned, I’m pretty huge (giggity), but It also has advantages. I can use my height to oversee the aisles and check if any employees are coming or not.

If knowing is only half the battle, then there is only one half that needs to be finished. Tomorrow is another day, and those TVs will be turned off. Unlike video game characters, I don’t have any senses telling me there’s someone behind me. I must blend in with the crowd and become undetectable. My username is UghRochester, and I’m a TV killer.

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